Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wi-Fi Detector Shirts?

I stay home with my computer, but the times are changin' for our texting, sexting, connecting kids. So I thought this Wi-Fi Detector Shirt was a groovy (OMG, that word really shows my age, doesn't it?) gift idea for a young guy with a laptop, places to go and things to do. Yes, Think Geek also has other cool gadgets. Does anybody really NEED this shirt? Of course not. But you gotta admit, a shirt that glows and displays the current Wi-Fi signal strength has a high "cool factor." And think how impressed your kid would be to discover that you even know what Wi-Fi is!

Now if they would only invent a shirt that finds the signal for your bank account and glows red to tell you to STOP when you're over your limit! Some people have innate spending detectors. My husband, for example. He often turns red when he shops with me. A shirt would be much more fun than a grumpy spouse. C'mon geeks. Invent a Debt Detector Shirt for next year!

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