Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Goodbye, Catalog Diva!

When I began blogging, I chose the name Catalog Diva because my posts were related to items I saw in catalogs. I thought this title/topic would not only distinguish my blog, but bring me advertisers, a retirement fund and a movie with Meryl Streep as me. To date I have earned $3.72 from Amazon. And shockingly, Meryl's agent has yet to call.

I still find the occasional catalog item that sparks a fun idea, but more and more I find that what I really want to write about is whatever I damn well please. Hence the new title of my old blog. Musings from Me, a woman of a certain age.

There are days I feel thirty. I watch The Daily Show. I even laugh at South Park if I catch it. But on some days I feel like I'm standing in line for the Smuckers Jar. Like when I get "friended" on Facebook. I so do not understand Facebook. When people "friend me," I always say yes, because I don't want to be "unfriended-ly." On the rare occasions that I see my own Facebook Page, I notice I have 39 friends. Some of them are people I even know. I thought having 39 friends was great, because in my "real life" (not my cyber life), that would be a lot of people to have for dinner. Then I noticed other people have 300-800 friends and more. So are the number of friends you have on Facebook now like the SAT scores that give your social quotient? If true, I am sadly deficient.  

Another Smuckers Jar revelation: I don't have a Blackberry or an iphone. The only important thing in my life with an "i" is my sister Ilene. I don't know what I would do with an iphone or ipad, but I'd be lost without Ilene. She puts up with me no matter what. Is there an "ap" for that? 

My darling husband, who is very tech savvy, doesn't have a lot of tech gadgets either. When people send him an email that says "Sent from my Blackberry," he sends back an answer that says: "Sent from two tin cans and a string." He is a funny guy. Advice for women of a certain age: sleeping with your tech guy is good thing. I'm glad I "friended" him 30 years ago.


  1. Awwwww....If I'm the "I" in your life, you're the only un-cyber "face" I'll ever need. No computer vehicle, including "Skype" could ever make my heart sing like hearing your voice on the telephone or when we are together. Love always, Sisawee

  2. I need to friend a handyman, a tech guy and someone who will take out the freakin garbage
