I Wanna Live in the Vermont Country Store
I wanna live in the pages of the Vermont Country Store.
I simply can't live in the real world no more.
I want to fill up my ears with Vermont Maple Butters
And never hear another word that Sarah Palin utters.
In the VC Store I can buy Camay and Lifebuoy soap,
To wash the mouths of those who tell another Tiger joke.
I can eat Sky Bars and Chuckles and Mallo Cups till I'm full.
I'll sit on chenille bedspreads; wear socks of No-Itch merino wool.
Creamy Lobster Bisque and chowders will keep away the cold.
Health care is now up to the guy who did the nude centerfold.
(So who cares if my arteries explode?)
Creamy Lobster Bisque and chowders will keep away the cold.
Health care is now up to the guy who did the nude centerfold.
(So who cares if my arteries explode?)